National Rep Sharon Llewellyn
National Rep Teresa Gawman
National Rep Miaco Kuzyk-Hildebrand
Collective Agreement
Chairperson Greg Knuth
Vice Chairperson Dave O’Neil
Recording Secretary Alysha Dupuis
Parks Steward Ian Bryant
Roads Steward
Roads Steward
James Dean
Andrew Saltes
Facilities Steward Denise Frost
Collective Agreement
Pages Collective Agreement
Chairperson Jolene Bennett
Steward Christine Kalan-Tidman
Steward Shelby Brown
Steward Janelle Velina
Steward Vacant
Collective Agreement
Chairperson Siiri Khamis
Steward Gail Hazlett
Collective Agreement
Georgina Roads & WW Collective Agreement
Chairperson Sandy Houghton
Vice Chairperson – Inside/Outside Unit Vacant
Vice Chairperson – Roads & WW Bob Lemmon
Recording Secretary Sydnee Campbell
Steward – Inside/Outside Unit Julie Heinz
Steward – Roads & WW Vacant
Collective Agreement
Chairperson Lynn McKinley
Vice Chairperson Pam Hambley
Steward Tracy Emery
Steward Melissa Findlay
Steward Michelle Reynolds
Recording Secretary Jennifer Murray
Collective Agreement
Chairperson Vacant
Vice Chairperson Ryan Costigan
Recording Secretary Kelly Earley
Steward Aloma Dreher
Steward David Van Veen
Steward Rafik Said
Collective Agreement
Markham (Inside) Collective Agreement
Chairperson Rob Kerfoot
Vice Chairperson Kathy Roach
Recording Secretary Melissa Mineo
Lead Steward Adam Freeman
Steward – Outside Pat Fry
Steward – Outside Paul Pizullo
Steward – Outside Recreation Thomas Garner
Steward – Outside Waterworks Daniel Allen
Steward – Inside
Steward – Inside
Carrie Seeberan
George Paraskevakos
Collective Agreement
Markham Library P/T Agreement
Markham Library (Pages) Agreement
Chairperson Stacey MacNevin Markham Village
Vice Chairperson – Part Time Pauline Cheng TSD
Vice Chairperson – Full Time Vacant
Vice Chairperson – Pages Vacant
Recording Secretary Vacant
Steward Archanaa Ramesh Angus Glen
Steward Vacant Milliken Mills
Steward Vacant Thornhill Community
Steward Julie Shaver Markham Village
Collective Agreement
Newmarket Library (P/T) Agreement
Chairperson Kathryn Richardson
Vice Chairperson Amanda Pearson
Steward Omar Phillips
Collective Agreement
Chairperson Kim Burgess
Chief Steward Justine Dresser
Steward Lindsay Shaw
Steward Brieanna Rutledge
Collective Agreement
Chairperson Jake Matta
Vice Chairperson Mark Gyorvari
Recording Secretary Andrew Mortensen
Lead Steward Scot Matanovic
Parks Steward Andre Rast
Roads Steward Francois Rose
WWW Steward Christian Levy
Facilities Steward Mark Mumma
Fleet Steward Tyler Corbishley
Theatre Steward Brandy Trunk
Collective Agreement
Chairperson Hilary Smith
Vice Chairperson Tera Cashen
Recording Secretary Toni Natale
Steward Jessy John
Steward Kelly Mazzuca
Steward Sabrina Pflugbeil
Vaughan (Hourly) Agreement
Vaughan (F/T Clerical Technical) Agreement
Vaughan (P/T Clerical Technical) Agreement
905.22 Vaughan PTCT Memorandums of Settlement
Chairperson Matthew Evangelista
Vice Chairperson – Hourly Vacant
Vice Chairperson – F/T Clerical Technical Josie Filippelli
Vice Chairperson – P/T Clerical Technical Annalisa Macri
Steward – F/T Clerical Technical Dmitrijs Bogojavlenskis
Steward – F/T Clerical Technical
Steward – F/T Clerical Technical
Rob Moniz
Nicola Campolongo
Steward – F/T Clerical Technical
Steward – F/T Clerical Technical
Virginia Rubino
Tamar Demirdji
Steward – F/T Hourly Anthony Vena
Steward – F/T Hourly Ted Howell
Steward – F/T Hourly Joseph Iamundo
Steward – F/T Hourly Rafael Acosta
Steward – F/T Hourly
Steward – F/T Hourly
Lisa Jakubcsik
Paolo Dilecce
VPL Part Time Collective Agreement
VPL Full Time Collective Agreement
Chairperson Vanda Salvatore
Vice Chairperson Elyse Trojman
Lead Steward Maria Simone
Recording Secretary Rachel Palmieri
East Area Steward Adam Tonon
East Area Steward Graeme Couture
North Area Steward Kathy Dunka
North Area Steward Alison Neal
West Area Steward Josh Tejolan
West Area Steward Marianne Rego
Collective Agreement
Chairperson Andrew Adams
Vice Chairperson Patrick Ward
Facilities Steward Sean Mcinnins
Parks Steward Alex Dajia
Public Works Steward Mike Oliver
Collective Agreement
Memorandum of Settlement
Chairperson Vacant
Vice Chairperson
York Region Collective Agreement
Long Term Care (YR) Collective Agreement
YRU MOS May 2022
York Region Blank Book-Off Form
Unit Chair Crystal Cook
Vice Chair Jane Realmo
Lead Steward Nina Benbihy
Vice Chair – Courts, Corporate Services & Finance Loreta Clozza
Vice Chair – Community & Social Services Lori Hoover
Vice Chair – Paramedic Services Owen Van Dyke
Vice Chair – Public Works, Transportation & Environment Paul Beal
Vice Chair – Public Health Susan Uy
Vice Chair – Long Term Care Cleber Fernandez
Steward/Injured Workers Rep Lorne Cowx
Steward – Property Services Vacant
Steward – Public Works, TRN Vacant
Steward – Corporate Services Loreta Clozza
Steward – CHS, Social Services Colleen Mahoney
Steward – Public Works, TRN Vacant
Steward – Court Services Teresa Greco
Steward – Development Engineering Mauricio Saya
Steward – Public Works, Environmental Services Kent Raymond
Steward – Public Works, Environmental Services Vacant
Steward – Paramedic Services Abraham Poon
Steward – Paramedic Services Christina Bonner
Steward – Paramedic Services Noel Pang
Steward – Paramedic Services Ryan Bishnauth
Steward – Paramedic Services Victor Amaral
Steward – Paramedic Services Maureen Brown
Steward – Paramedic Services Matthew Harris
Steward – Strategies and Partnerships Vacant
Steward – Public Works, TRN Selwyn Jones
Steward – Senior Services Racquel Campbell
Steward – Senior Services Susan Uy
Steward – Senior Services Shayes Mozafarri
Steward – Senior Services Vacant
Steward – Senior Services Lucy Fraioli
Steward – Senior Services Patricia Fowler
Steward – Senior Services Peggie Sutherland
Steward – Senior Services Tharmini Vasulo
Steward – Senior Services Diane Richardson